
students, computers, laptops

Study with friends

Find friends to study English and form study groups. You can repeat your vocabulary in English, do your homework together and help each other with the English grammar. Studying with friends is simply much more fun. It is also a good opportunity to exchange ideas about learning process in general. Maybe your friends will find a good way to study more effectively. Or, who knows, maybe you can advise your friends about this. If you do not have time to personally meet friends, chat, MSN, Skype are some suggestions.

practice, emoji, words

Practice english every day

It is very important to practice English everyday. Remember that not always the amount of hours of study determine the amount of learning. Whatever the time spent on studies, the main point is that this time is quality time. This applies to studies in any area.
Search the read English, magazines, news, jokes, comics areas, or Watch TV, listen to music, talk, and write in English. Anyway, anything that interests you in the language you are learning will enrich your vocabulary and you will confirm that your studies are helping you to understand the English language.
Talk to yourself. Practice speaking even when no one is around. Take a book and try to read it, watch movies in English. Make comments in English on social network pages, or choose words at random from a dictionary and translate.
On the other pages of this website you will find suggestions for putting all these tips into practice. Do not worry if at first you do not understand what you watch on television or what you read in newspapers, books, etc.. This is normal, after all, you were not born knowing English. With practice, you will increase the understanding of the language, and you’ll realize you’re learning. So just practice everyday!

don't give up, motivation, the inscription

Don’t Give Up!

Do you find it difficult to learn English? Then ask yourself: Why am I learning English? Why do I want to learn English? If you learn to like English this can help you reach your goal more easily. IF you like English, you will use it naturally in your life. As a result, you will not forget it and you can learn it day by day. If you don’t like, well, you’ll need to think it over. Motivation is the key to learning!